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IESE Business School

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Arnus I Gari, 4-7
Barcelona, 08034 España

November 2019

Business Forum – “Challenging the Future – Artificial Intelligence & Robotics”

November 27, 2019 @ 18:30 - 20:30
IESE Business School, Arnus I Gari, 4-7
Barcelona, 08034 España
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Tenemos el placer de invitaros a nuestro próximo foro empresarial sobre la  inteligencia artificial y robótica. El evento organizamos junto con Austria Barcelona Community y IESE Business School. Para más información os invitamos a leer la invitación abajo en inglés o contactarnos en . **** The Swedish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, Austria Barcelona Community and IESE Business School invite you to their business forum about "Challenging the Future – Artificial Intelligence & Robotics". We are honored to have…

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