Newsletter Marzo 2020

Newsletter Marzo 2020

Palabras del presidente de la Cámara de Comercio Sueca en Barcelona 

Dear Members of the Swedish Chamber in Barcelona,

Due to the extraordinary difficulties Europe is going through as a result of the Covid19, I just wanted to acknowledge that the Chamber is doing what is possible to provide you with useful information. Posts on LinkedIn are being done and future online events are being planned. 

The situation for all countries in Europe is critical and the coming weeks will be crucial to understand the trends for the summer – this will help us to predict the time for the recovering of the economy in autumn. Sweden is no exception and even if the country’s attitude and measures has been critizised by many, we still don’t know which recipe works best due to so many different factors. What we do know is that being a relatively small nation we are strongly dependant on exports of which more than 70% goes to Europe – this has led to closing of factories as we can see in Spain and other strongly affected countries. The service sector is suffering too, with figures similar to the financial crisis 2008. Do read the interesting document from Business Sweden regarding the economic outlook:
(in Swedish but google translate has become quite good!!)

But for now, let’s follow WHO’s and the authorities’ advice in order to shorten as much as possible the period of crisis so that we slowly can come back to normal life. The sooner we control the virus, the sooner we can start living and make business again. Some sectors will start sooner than others, some will change, but what is sure is that with today’s financial tools we may very well have to prepare ourselves for a coming boom!  

Take care, live well and see you on our coming events, on- and offline!

Johan Cavallini,
Chairman Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona 



Noticias jurídicas 

Noticias de los socios:



Damos una calurosa bienvenida a los nuevos socios:

One Living Barcelona


Estamos desarrollando una nueva agenda de actividades con eventos online y webinarios. Estaríamos encantados escuchar vuestras ideas y propuestas. No dudéis en comunicarnos vuestra propuestas a



14 de febrero
Chamber Ski Day i Masella. 

17 de febrero

 El mercado inmobiliario en España con Caixabank – en CaixaBank, All in One Barcelona