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Digital Debate in English – The Situation of the Spanish and Swedish Enterprises Impact of Covid-19 and Economic Recovery Forecast
June 9, 2020 @ 15:00 - 15:50

Digital Debate in English
The Situation of the Spanish and Swedish Enterprises:
Impact of Covid-19 and Economic Recovery Forecast
Varmt välkommen till vårt kommande webinar!
Följande webinar kommer att arrangeras på engelska tillsammans med Svensk-Spanska Handelskammaren i Madrid.
Under eventet kommer Bettina Kashefi, Chefsekonom på Svenskt Näringsliv and Marta Blanco, President of Spanish Confederation of Employers and Industries (CEOE International) att berätta mer om hur företagen i Sverige respektive Spanien har påverkats av de rådande hälsokrisen samt hur framtidsprognosen ser ut. Debatten kommer att ledas och modereras av Mike Rosenberg, Professor of the Practice of Management på IESE Business School.
För mer information på engelska:
The Swedish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona and Madrid have the pleasure to invite you to this digital debate about the Economic Impact of Covid-19 on the Swedish and Spanish Enterprises and the recovery forecast.
Bettina Kashefi, Chief Economist at Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) and Marta Blanco, President of Spanish Confederation of Employers and Industries (CEOE International) will highlight the economic impact on the Swedish and Spanish enterprises, the effect on the bilateral trade and future prospects.
The debate will be moderated by Mike Rosenberg, Professor of the Practice of Management at IESE Business School.