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Fastighetsmarknaden i Spanien – Caixabank, All in One Barcelona
February 17, 2020 @ 18:00 - 21:00

Varmt välkomna!
Den 17 februari bjuder Caixabank in Handelskammarens medlemmar till ett exklusivt event där vi får veta mer om fastighetsmarknaden i Spanien samt en guidad tur av Caixabanks nya flagship i Barcelona, All in One.
Det finns ett begränsat antal platser, vänligen anmäl dig till info@cchsbcn.com
Eventet är gratis.
Vänligen se mer information på engelska nedan:
The regional management of CaixaBank in Barcelona are pleased to invite you to learn about HolaBank, the bank designed for Caixabank’s international community, and to attend the presentation of an analysis of “The Real Estate Market in Spain”.
The event will be taking place on 17 February at 6pm in our new flagship
All in One Barcelona branch, in the Plaza de Francesc Macià, 10.
6:00 pm Visit our All in One Barcelona branch
6.30 pm Presentation by the Regional Director and Presidents of the Chambers
6:45 pm Presentation of HolaBank and “The Real Estate Market in Spain”
7:15 pm Questions and answers
7:45 pm Cocktail reception and networking
Limited places.
Please confirm your attendance to info@cchsbcn.com